Event Calendar

Monday, October 28, 2024

ILTA 2024 Webinar Series

Start Date: 10/28/2024 12:00 PM CDT
End Date: 10/28/2024 1:00 PM CDT

Venue Name: Virtual

Organization Name: Illinois Land Title Association

Stacy McGuire
Email: info@illinoislandtitle.org
Phone: (630) 412-0124

Illinois Land Title Association 2024 Webinar Series continues with a special presentation on Monday, October 28, 2024. This is an open event for all Illinois Land Title Association and Indiana Land Title Association members.

Topic: Building Inclusive Foundations: Lessons from the Founder of OLTA's DEI Group
Speaker: Dione Joseph, Founder of the Ohio Land Title Association's DEI Committee

The IDEA Committee is excited to announce an upcoming webinar featuring Dione Joseph, the founder of the Ohio Land Title Association's DEI Committee.  Dione will provide background about their DEI Committee (the who, what, where and why), and this will be a great opportunity for our newfound committee to learn from one of the pioneers in the DEI space!  Attendees will receive a copy of the DEI toolkit that the OLTA DEI Committee has created prior to the webinar.

We are happy to invite any members of the Indiana Land Title Association to attend and register as a public registration.

Is your company not a member of the ILTA?
Complete a membership application today or contact us at info@illinoislandtitle.org for more information. 

Online Registration

Registration is Closed
Closed: 10/28/2024 12:00 PM

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The ILTA is a statewide organization focused on providing professional-level education, advocacy, and fostering community in the industry.